ASCII 85 é uma forma de codificação de sequências binárias que utiliza 85 caracteres imprimíveis. O valor codificado fica aproximadamente 25% maior que o valor original. Por questões de comparação, o "base 64" deixa o valor codificado aproximadamente 33% maior que o valor original.
Porém, este algoritmo não é implementado nativamente no PHP como é o base 64 através das funções base64_encode e base64_decode.
Há alguns anos implementei uma classe com o algoritmo de ASCII 85, que posto aqui.
Linguagem: PHP
Copyright 2008 Rubens Takiguti Ribeiro
Licença: LGPL 3 ou superior
/** * ASCII85: encode/decode binary data with text characters. * * About: * - Generates a text 25% larger from de original (approximately); * - Suport to Adobe version of algorithm; * - Suport to btoa version of algorithm; * * @author Rubens Takiguti Ribeiro * @date 2008-11-26 * @version 1.0 2008-11-27 * @see * @license LGPLv3 * @copyright Copyright (C) 2008 Rubens Takiguti Ribeiro */ final class ascii85 { /// # CONSTANTS /** * Algorithm variations. */ const BASIC = 0; // Default implementation const ADOBE = 1; // Adobe version const BTOA = 2; // BTOA version /** * Exception codes */ const THROW_ADOBE_DELIMITER = 1; const THROW_BTOA_CHECKS = 2; const THROW_BTOA_VALUE = 3; const THROW_TUPLE_CHAR = 4; const THROW_TUPLE_SIZE = 5; /// # METHODS /** * This class is not instantiable. * Use static methods only. * * @return void */ private function __construct() {} /** * Encode to ASCII85 format. * * @see CONSTANTS section * @param string $value String to be encoded. * @param int $variation Constant code of algorithm variation. * @param bool || int $split_pos Position to split returned string. * @return string Encoded string in ASCII85 format or false on failure. */ public static function encode($value, $variation = self::BASIC, $split_pos = false) { switch ($variation) { case self::ADOBE: $y_exception = false; $z_exception = true; break; case self::BTOA: $y_exception = true; $z_exception = true; break; case self::BASIC: $y_exception = false; $z_exception = false; break; } // Returned value $return = ''; // Get string tuples of 4 bytes $tuples = str_split($value, 4); // Foreach tuple foreach ($tuples as $tuple) { // Convert tuple (string value) to binary (integer value) $bin_tuple = 0; $len = strlen($tuple); for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) { $bin_tuple |= (ord($tuple[$i]) << ((3 - $i) * 8)); } // Get unsigned value as string $bin_tuple = sprintf('%u', $bin_tuple); // Zero-tuple is represented as "z" if ($z_exception && $bin_tuple == 0) { $return .= 'z'; // Space-tuple is represented as "y" } elseif ($y_exception && $bin_tuple == 0x20202020) { $return .= 'y'; // Tuple } else { // Create a tuple 85 (string value) $i = 5; $tuple85 = ''; while ($i--) { $c = bcmod($bin_tuple, '85'); $tuple85 = chr(bcadd($c, '33')).$tuple85; $bin_tuple = bcdiv($bin_tuple, '85', 0); } $tuple85 = substr($tuple85, 0, $len + 1); // Append to return value $return .= $tuple85; } } switch ($variation) { case self::BASIC: self::split($return, $split_pos); break; case self::ADOBE: $return = '<~'.$return.'~>'; self::split($return, $split_pos); break; case self::BTOA: self::btoa_create_checks($value, $size_dec, $size_hex, $check_xor, $check_sum, $check_rot); self::split($return, $split_pos); $return = sprintf( "xbtoa Begin\n%s\nxbtoa End N %s %s E %s S %s R %s\n", $return, $size_dec, $size_hex, $check_xor, $check_sum, $check_rot ); break; } return $return; } /** * Decode from ASCII85. * * @exception THROW_BTOA_VALUE if encoded value has invalid format. * @exception THROW_BTOA_CHECKS If generated value did not match with checks. * @exception THROW_ADOBE_DELIMITER If there are not Adobe delimiter. * @exception THROW_TUPLE_CHAR If any tuple has invalid characters. * @exception THROW_TUPLE_SIZE If any tuple is greater than 2^32. * @param string $value Encoded text to be decoded. * @param int $variation Constant code of algorithm variation. * @return string Decoded string or false on failure. */ public static function decode($value, $variation = self::BASIC) { // Get BTOA checks if ($variation == self::BTOA) { try { self::btoa_get_checks($value, $size_dec, $size_hex, $check_xor, $check_sum, $check_rot); } catch (Exception $e) { throw $e; } } // Clean value try { self::clean($value, $variation); } catch (Exception $e) { throw $e; } // Returned value $return = ''; // Const values $max_tuple = pow(2, 32); $base85 = array(); $base85[0] = 1; // 85^0 $base85[1] = $base85[0] * 85; // 85^1 $base85[2] = $base85[1] * 85; // 85^2 $base85[3] = $base85[2] * 85; // 85^3 $base85[4] = $base85[3] * 85; // 85^4 // Get ASCII85 tuples $value = str_split($value, 5); // Foreach tuple 85 of 5 bytes foreach ($value as $tuple85) { // If zero-tuple was found if ($tuple85 === 'zzzzz') { $return .= str_repeat(chr(0), 4); continue; // If space-tupe was found } elseif ($tuple85 === 'yyyyy') { $return .= str_repeat(' ', 4); continue; } // If the tuple has invalid chars if (!preg_match('/^[\x21-\x75]{1,5}$/', $tuple85)) { throw new Exception('Tuple has invalid characters ('.$tuple85.')', self::THROW_TUPLE_CHAR); } // Convert tuple 85 (text) to binary tuple (number) $bin_tuple = '0'; $len = strlen($tuple85); // Append "u" to missing positions to avoid rounding-down effect $tuple85 .= str_repeat('u', 5 - $len); for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { $bin_char = strval(ord($tuple85[$i]) - 33); $bin_tuple += bcmul($bin_char, $base85[4 - $i]); } // If binary value is greater than 2^32 if ($bin_tuple > $max_tuple) { throw new Exception('Tuple is greater than '.$max_tuple, self::THROW_TUPLE_SIZE); } $bin_tuple = bindec(sprintf('%032b', $bin_tuple)); // Create a tuple (string value) $i = 4; $tuple = ''; $len -= 1; while ($len--) { $c = ($bin_tuple >> (--$i * 8)) & 0xFF; $tuple .= chr($c); } // Append to return value $return .= $tuple; } // Get BTOA checks if ($variation == self::BTOA) { $v = self::btoa_validate_checks($return, $size_dec, $size_hex, $check_xor, $check_sum, $check_rot); if (!$v) { throw new Exception('Generated text did not pass by validation of BTOA checks', self::THROW_BTOA_CHECKS); } } return $return; } /** * Split a string on a specific position. * * @param string $value Value to be splited * @param int || bool $pos Position to split value. * @return void */ private static function split(&$value, $pos) { if (is_numeric($pos) && $pos > 0) { $value = chunk_split($value, $pos, "\n"); $value = rtrim($value); } } /** * Convert some characters of an encoded text. * * @exception THROW_ADOBE_DELIMITER If there are not Adobe delimiter. * @param string $value Encoded value. * @param int $variation Constant code of algorithm variation. * @return bool */ private static function clean(&$value, $variation) { $value = trim($value); switch ($variation) { case self::BASIC: // Remove spaces $tr = array(' ' => '', "\r" => '', "\n" => '', "\t" => '', "\0" => '', "\f" => '' ); $value = strtr($value, $tr); break; case self::ADOBE: if (substr($value, 0, 2) != '<~' || substr($value, -2, 2) != '~>') { throw new Exception('Value does not have Adobe delimiter', self::THROW_ADOBE_DELIMITER); } // Remove <~ and ~> $value = substr($value, 2, strlen($value) - 4); // Remove spaces and convert "z" exception to a tuple $tr = array(' ' => '', "\r" => '', "\n" => '', "\t" => '', "\0" => '', "\f" => '', 'z' => 'zzzzz' ); $value = strtr($value, $tr); break; case self::BTOA: // Remove first line $first = strpos($value, "\n"); $value = substr($value, $first + 1); // Remove last line $last = strrpos($value, "\n"); $value = substr($value, 0, $last); // Remove spaces and convert "z" and "y" exception to a tuple $tr = array(' ' => '', "\r" => '', "\n" => '', "\t" => '', "\0" => '', "\f" => '', 'z' => 'zzzzz', 'y' => 'yyyyy' ); $value = strtr($value, $tr); break; } } /** * Gets check values from an encoded ASCII85 BTOA value. * * @exception THROW_BTOA_VALUE if encoded value has invalid format. * @param string $value Original value. * @param string $size_dec Decimal size. * @param string $size_hex Hexadecinal size. * @param string $check_xor Check XOR. * @param string $check_sum Check SUM. * @param string $check_rot Check ROT. * @return void */ public static function btoa_get_checks($value, &$size_dec, &$size_hex, &$check_xor, &$check_sum, &$check_rot) { $value = trim($value); $exp = '/xbtoa[\040]+End[\040]+'. 'N[\040]+([\d]+)[\040]+([0-9a-f]+)[\040]+'. 'E[\040]+([0-9a-f]+)[\040]+'. 'S[\040]+([0-9a-f]+)[\040]+'. 'R[\040]+([0-9a-f]+)'. '$/i'; if (!preg_match($exp, $value, $match)) { throw new Exception('Invalid ASCII85 BTOA encoded data', self::THROW_BTOA_VALUE); } $size_dec = $match[1]; $size_hex = $match[2]; $check_xor = $match[3]; $check_sum = $match[4]; $check_rot = $match[5]; } /** * Generate BTOA values to validate a received text. * * @param string $value Original value. * @param string $size_dec Decimal size. * @param string $size_hex Hexadecinal size. * @param string $check_xor Check XOR. * @param string $check_sum Check SUM. * @param string $check_rot Check ROT. * @return void */ public static function btoa_create_checks($value, &$size_dec, &$size_hex, &$check_xor, &$check_sum, &$check_rot) { $size = strlen($value); // Check xor, sum, rot $check_xor = 0; $check_sum = 0; $check_rot = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { $c = ord($value[$i]); $check_xor ^= $c; $check_sum += $c + 1; $check_rot <<= 1; if ($check_rot & 0x80000000) { $check_rot += 1; } $check_rot += $c; } $size_dec = sprintf('%0.0f', $size); $size_hex = sprintf('%x', $size); $check_xor = sprintf('%x', $check_xor); $check_sum = sprintf('%x', $check_sum); $check_rot = sprintf('%x', $check_rot); } /** * Validate a decoded ASCII85 BTOA value. * * @param string $value Decoded value. * @param string $size_dec Decimal size. * @param string $size_hex Hexadecinal size. * @param string $check_xor Check XOR. * @param string $check_sum Check SUM. * @param string $check_rot Check ROT. * @return bool */ public static function btoa_validate_checks($value, $size_dec, $size_hex, $check_xor, $check_sum, $check_rot) { self::btoa_create_checks($value, $size_dec2, $size_hex2, $check_xor2, $check_sum2, $check_rot2); return $size_dec === $size_dec2 && $size_hex === $size_hex2 && $check_xor === $check_xor2 && $check_sum === $check_sum2 && $check_rot === $check_rot2; } }//class
Para usar a classe, basta usar os métodos encode e decode.
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